The First Book

I am very excited to announce the first book we will be reading, the classic, Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote.

Now I have to admit this book has been sitting on my shelves for over a year now and I haven’t got around to reading it, so what better time than now. Normally when I read a book (as I’m sure we all do) I create a picture of the characters in my imagination, and although I have not seen the film version, it is going to be hard not to picture Audrey Hepburn while reading this.

At only 100 pages, it is not a very long book but I’m sure we will have lots to discuss and I’m sure in there somewhere there is a great recipe to be found. The discussion of the book will take place over at Goodreads:

Ok so we have one month in which to read the book, feel free to join in at any point. I will be posting the food from the book on a different post during that month, link can be found here:      So stay tuned.

There is nothing else to say but … enjoy.



breakfast at tiffany's penguin truman capote


If you are going to be joining in with the book club, don’t feel like you have to go out and buy the books we will be reading, there are a few other options; try your local library, ask family and friends if they have the book – better yet get them involved and pass along the books with each other, charity shops and second-hand book shops are great and of course the internet is a great place to find bargains.